Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I know the economy sucks but c'mon...

Since early 2008 the economy took a turn for the worst, with a major national deficit in the trillions the United States as well as other countries suffered a major blow economically, leading to the loss of jobs in multiple industries.  I understand how many individuals began to spend less money and become more aware of their shopping habits all together, but when it comes to dining out there still should remain some old traditional aspects that pertain to areas of etiquette and manners.  Recently I was asked by my professor if I were to get offended if I was having lunch with a future employer and at the end of the meal used a coupon to pay for our luncheon.  I am not a girl of high maintenance or status value but if I am treated to a lunch, especially a formal one, please do not disrespect our time together by pulling out a buy one get one free coupon.  You are simply showing to me that I am not fully worth your time and effort, and what is going to happen when promotion time comes around, will I be receiving coupons to pay for my cell-phone bill?  The bottom line in my argument towards these undeceive acts is that if my future employer does not want to invest in my well-being, no matter if that is my 401 k plan or my lunch, than what business do I have working my butt of for the company?  Readers, I want you to think about these things when encountering future friends, lovers, and employers.  You know what you have to offer, make sure the other half is carrying their weight as well.

-Anastasia Mantzaris

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