Saturday, February 19, 2011

I am Surviving My Layoff

In March 2008, I was hired by a media company to work in their online sales department.  The opportunity and job description was perfect for what I was looking for at the time and felt it would be a place I can grow and really contribute. In June 2010, that media company gave me a box to fill as they informed me my position was “eliminated”.
Initially, I was completed shocked and upset at the company as I was planning my summer vacation and I knew my income level would drastically change. However, I went ahead and book my flights and hotel as I was determined to make the best of the situation.
As I walked out of the building, I did feel a sense of defeat but at the same time I felt relieved it was over. Layoffs had occurred in various other media companies and I knew that I may someday have to experience my very first layoff. As I packed my box of items, all I kept thinking is this is the time I needed. It’s all good. I didn’t cry in front of my boss nor did I say anything unprofessional. Instead, I opted for a handshake and a “thank you for the opportunity” exit.
I must admit getting laid off is definitely a blow to your ego. Here I was someone with a number of years of experience, a college degree, great contacts and a positive personality and yet I was on the “chopping block”. I learned quickly that those people that say “don’t worry” really can’t do anything for you. Even another boss who was my confidant and mentor could not save my position or even give me a “heads up” on what was about to happen. Unfortunately, corporations need to make those unpopular and unpleasant decisions of letting people go.
So how have I survived my layoff emotionally and financially? Well after I signed up for unemployment benefits, I began my new life by taking a very nice (and inexpensive) long vacation and surrounded myself with loving and supportive family members and friends.  Upon my return home, I cut out any and all unnecessary expenses. I continued to wake up early, take a shower and dress up in my best summer outfits. Being laid off in the summer also has it benefits because I was able to enjoy the beautiful summer weather.  I would make daily list of all those things I hadn’t gotten around to do while working full time. Reading up on the latest media news also kept me up to date and informed as well as reconnecting with former bosses and coworkers via social network such as Facebook. I found great comfort in reconnecting with former coworkers who surprisingly were also out of work.  Reconnecting has helped me realized I am not in this alone. Stronger bonds were made as one of my former bosses expressed her interest in hiring me as soon as she became employed. A great boost to my ego!
Finding work is still part of my daily routine. However, because I have not been hired yet, I decided not to waste any time. I continue to pursue my Masters Degree and happily will be graduating in May of 2011. The time I have been laid off has served a great purpose as I have been able to gain get knowledge of new technologies and be able to compete in a savvier world.
Looking back to June of 2010, two quotes come to mind. One is “you are never too old to learn” as I have learned to get through this layoff and actually work towards another college degree. The second quote is “Everything happens for a reason”…although painful at first, my layoff has given me the opportunity to look further at other opportunities and learned how to deal with such a change in my life.
Yes World !... I am surviving my layoff..

-Adriana Muniz

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