Monday, March 7, 2011

A History of Social Media

I came across this cool graphic about the history of social media. It is interesting because I've actually never sat and looked at the exact dates and progression of things within the social media uprise until now. I know I grew up with social media from its beginnings so its fun to look back and see how far it's come. Thought I would share this with everyone.

- Lauren Cochrane

1 comment:

  1. This was like a trip down memory lane for me! I've been around long enough to recall "videotext" services -- the precursor to the dommercial Web as we know it today. One of the early online pioneers was a thing called The Electronic Mall, an online shopping service that was dial up and text-based only. It had maybe 50 "stores," a concept that was hard to grasp by many and intriguing enough to get my client an interview on The Today Show and me a kiss on the cheek when I made this happen. I remember we had to FedEx various pieces of merchandise to my client's office as props for her interview so that Today Show viewers could see for themselves that you really could order lobsters from Maine and an assortment of other products by hooking up your computer to a telephone line and waiting, witing, waiting...for the dial-up connection to kick-in. The time was the mid to late 1980s.
